Chemotherapy Overview And Nutrition
Chemotherapy Overview
Every person experiences chemotherapy differently, both physically and emotionally. Each person experiences side effects from chemotherapy differently, and different chemotherapy drugs cause different side effects. There is no relationship between how the chemotherapy makes you feel and whether you derive benefit from it.
Many people feel fine for the first few hours following chemotherapy. Usually, some reaction occurs about four to six hours later. However, some people don’t react until 12 or even 24 to 48 hours after treatment. Some people experience almost all of the side effects described below, while others experience almost none.
We have many treatments to help you deal with side effects. Please let us know how you are feeling, so that we can address your concerns and help make you more comfortable.
Before Starting Chemotherapy
Before starting chemotherapy we suggest that you take care of some of your basic health needs. If time permits, have your teeth cleaned before rather than while you are having chemotherapy. If you need major dental work, try to postpone it until after chemotherapy
Emotional Support
You can have a family member, friend or support person accompany you to your chemotherapy sessions. We recognize that cancer has an impact on you as a whole person and also on your family and loved ones. We have a number of programs to support you through the process, such as support groups.
Fever and Infection
Chemotherapy lowers the number of white blood cells (WBCs) your body makes. White blood cells are made in the bone marrow and help fight against infection. Low White Cells puts you at a very high risk for serious infection
Practical Hints Regarding Fever and Infection
- If you have a fever of 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit, with or without chills, call your doctor or nurse immediately. If you cannot reach your cancer specialist, go to an emergency room.
- Keep a thermometer in your home and know how to take your temperature. Do not eat, drink or smoke for 10 minutes before taking your temperature. Leave the thermometer under your tongue for three minutes. If you are still unsure of how to take your temperature, ask your doctor or nurse.
- Call your doctor or nurse as soon as possible if you develop a cough, sore throat, pain or burning when you urinate.
- To help prevent infection, we encourage frequent hand washing with soap and water.
- Avoid rectal intercourse, tampons, douches, enemas and rectal thermometers.
- Do not eat raw food such as sushi and sashimi, Caesar salad or milk shakes made with raw eggs, until you complete chemotherapy and your blood counts have returned to adequate levels. Raw foods may carry bacteria that can lead to infection. Make sure to thoroughly wash any fruits and vegetables.
- Wash hands and cutting boards well after food preparation. Always tell your doctor before going to the dentist.
Flu-Like Symptoms
Around the third day following a chemotherapy treatment, some people may experience flu-like symptoms such as muscle aches and pains. If you experience these aches, you can take over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol or Advil. If necessary, contact your doctor for stronger medication.
Medications called anti-emetics or anti-nausea drugs are used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy. Not all chemotherapy drugs cause nausea. Many anti-nausea drugs are available, and your doctor or nurse will recommend what is expected to work best for you.
If possible, have your prescriptions filled before your treatment day. Please call your doctor or nurse if your medications do not give you adequate relief or if you experience side effects with the anti-nausea medication.
Practical Hints for Nausea
- Before your chemotherapy appointment, eat a small, light meal. Most people do better if they have something in their stomach.
- Eat what sounds good to you. Generally starches such as rice, bread, potatoes, hot cereals and puddings are well tolerated.
- Try not to skip meals. An empty stomach will worsen all symptoms. If you don’t feel like sitting down to a meal, try nibbling on something that appeals to you.
- Drink plenty of fluids. Herbal teas, water, sports drinks and diluted juices are recommended more than soda.
- Avoid smells that are unappealing.
Freeze meals so that you don’t have to cook. Ask your family and friends to help with meals, especially following chemotherapy when you are most likely to feel nauseous.
Chemotherapy can make you feel tired. This fatigue may or may not worsen as you are treated with more cycles of chemotherapy. Try to balance activity and rest. Try to maintain your everyday activities as much as possible. The fatigue will go away after you recover from chemotherapy.
Practical Hints for Fatigue
- Plan your activities, such as grocery shopping, for a time when you feel the best.
- If you have children, rest when they are napping. When you feel most tired, consider hiring a baby-sitter for a few hours so that you can relax or take a nap.
- Take naps early in the day so you do not disturb your sleep pattern at night.
- Consider exercising every day or several times a week. Good forms of exercise include swimming, walking and yoga.
Hair Loss
Many people feel that hair loss is one of the most difficult aspects of chemotherapy treatment. Not all chemotherapy drugs cause hair loss, so talk to your physician or nurse about what to expect. Most often, hair loss begins about two to three weeks after starting chemotherapy. Some people will lose relatively little hair, while others may lose the hair on their head, eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as other body hair. You may want to cover your head with a wig, scarf, hat or turban, or you may not want to cover your head at all. Do what makes you most comfortable. Many people choose different head coverings for different situations.
If you decide to buy a wig, try to buy one while you still have your own hair because you can better match color and style. You may want to ask your doctor for a prescription for a “cranial prosthesis” (i.e., wig), as some insurance companies will only pay for a wig with a prescription for a cranial prosthesis.
Your hair will begin to grow back after you stop chemotherapy. It usually takes from two to three months to see the change from no hair to some hair. Your new hair may be slightly different in color and texture than your old hair. Often, the new hair will be baby soft and curly, but will generally return to its original texture after some time.
Practical Hints for Hair Loss
It is not always necessary to buy a real wig. Synthetic wigs can look as good and are less expensive, easier to care for, lighter in weight and may be more comfortable to wear.
Most common symptoms of the neuropathy caused by chemotherapy include tingling and burning, numbness or pain in the affected areas, loss of your sense of position — knowing where a body part is without looking at it — and loss of balance. The most commonly affected areas are the tips of fingers and toes, although other areas are sometimes affected as well.
Tell your doctor about any symptoms that you experience. Early detection and treatment are the best way to control your symptoms and prevent further nerve damage.
Practical Hints Regarding Neuropathy
- Tight shoes and socks can worsen pain and tingling, and may lead to sores that won’t heal. Wear soft, loose cotton socks and padded shoes.
- If you have burning pain, cool your feet or hands in cold, but not icy, water for 15 minutes twice a day.
- Massage your hands and feet — or have someone massage them for you — to improve circulation, stimulate nerves and temporarily relieve pain.
For women, chemotherapy may temporarily stop your periods or result in permanent menopause. The effects depend on the type of chemotherapy administered, your age and how close you are to naturally occurring menopause. With menopause, you may experience symptoms such as hot flashes, decreased libido, vaginal dryness, mood changes and sleeping disturbances. If you experience any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor or nurse to get information and treatment for the symptoms.
If your periods continue during treatment, they are likely to change in duration, flow and regularity. The changes may be temporary, lasting only while on chemotherapy, or the changes may lead to menopause.
Practical Hints for Menopausal Symptoms
- If you have breast cancer, we DON’T recommend hormone replacement therapy.
- Take vitamin E (400 units only) to reduce hot flashes.
Your doctor may recommend prescription medications for hot flashes. Wear light cotton pajamas to help prevent overheating when sleeping. Use vaginal moisturizers on a regular basis or other water based lubricants as needed, especially during and before sexual activity. These products will help with vaginal dryness and irritation. - Try an opened vitamin E capsule or olive oil spread on the vagina to increase lubrication.
Questions and Concerns
If you have a question or concerns, staff will take your message and your nurse or physician will call you back. Please allow two days notice for medication refills.
If your call is urgent, please tell us immediately when you call.
If you are calling at night, on a weekend or a holiday, please call the same number. You will speak with a member of the answering service who will take your name and number. A physician will be paged and will call you back. Please be prepared to tell the answering service:
- Your name and doctor
- Your type of cancer
- The type of chemotherapy and the date you last received treatment
- The names of any other medications you are taking
- Your pharmacy’s phone numberPlease remember that we are here to make this time less difficult for you and call us with any questions or concerns. 845-454-1942
Mon-Fri: 9:00 AM–5:00 PM